Thursday, December 18, 2008
Happy Holidays!
I hope you all have a wonderful winter break and holiday season. We will continue with simplifying exponents in Algebra after we take the semester final on January 8th and 9th. We will finish Chapter 6 and solving equations and inequalities in math after break!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Fraction Test
This Wednesday my math classes will have a test over fractions. Students will need to be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide them. Students will also be tested on mean, median and mode. Everyone will be allowed to use a two sided 3.5 by 5 notecard of notes and examples as a resource on the test.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
First Trimester Coming to an End
As the first trimester is quickly coming to an end I am beginning to realize how quickly this school year is moving. Now is a great time to take a moment to reflect on the first trimester and set goals for the second trimester. Students should think about their progress in all of their classes and what is and isn't working. Students may not realize how soon teachers have to make recommendations for high school classes, but many of us have to work on them over Winter break. We definititely take into account how students are currently doing in our classes. It is never too late to improve!!
With all of this in mind, I hope everyone has a restful and fun Thanksgiving break. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday and I am looking forward to spending my break with my daughter, my husband and our families.
With all of this in mind, I hope everyone has a restful and fun Thanksgiving break. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday and I am looking forward to spending my break with my daughter, my husband and our families.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Math Update
This week in math we have been very busy with fractions. Next week will will have a test over Chapter Four. Students should spend time looking over Chapter Four this weekend to prepare for Tuesday's test.
In Algebra we have finished covering the topics in Chapter Six. Next Wednesday we will have the test over this chapter.
Have a great weekend!!!
In Algebra we have finished covering the topics in Chapter Six. Next Wednesday we will have the test over this chapter.
Have a great weekend!!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Fraction Frenzy
Students in my math class have started a short chapter on fractions. We will spend time reducing and comparing fractions, as well as working with exponents. Next year in Algebra students will be expected to be comfortable working with fractions. Hopefully this year we can clear up all of the confusion around fractions.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Extra Credit??
The trimester is quickly coming to an end so I have decided to offer a couple of extra credit opportunities for my students in periods 2-8.
1. I have put out extra credit problems in the back of my room. Students may take up to two of the problems to do. They must show their work and have the correct answer to get credit. Each problem is worth 5 points and they may do two. THE PROBLEMS MUST BE STAPLED TO THEIR TEST ON WEDNESDAY 11/5 FOR POINTS. I will not give any points if the student has any missing work for Chapter 3.
2. It has come to my attention that students do not regularly look at their grades online. Many students have no idea what their grade is in my class or what work they are missing. I have decided to offer an incentive for them to look at their grade. If they can write their percentage as of Monday, 11/3, on Wednesday's test, they will receive two extra credit points. I have also encouraged all of my students to take an interest in their grades in all of their classes. I have told them that they should check their grades at least weekly. They should be looking at the assignment grades to make sure that their grades are correct. (I do make mistakes!!) I will offer this opportunity again in the future, but I will not announce it ahead of time.
1. I have put out extra credit problems in the back of my room. Students may take up to two of the problems to do. They must show their work and have the correct answer to get credit. Each problem is worth 5 points and they may do two. THE PROBLEMS MUST BE STAPLED TO THEIR TEST ON WEDNESDAY 11/5 FOR POINTS. I will not give any points if the student has any missing work for Chapter 3.
2. It has come to my attention that students do not regularly look at their grades online. Many students have no idea what their grade is in my class or what work they are missing. I have decided to offer an incentive for them to look at their grade. If they can write their percentage as of Monday, 11/3, on Wednesday's test, they will receive two extra credit points. I have also encouraged all of my students to take an interest in their grades in all of their classes. I have told them that they should check their grades at least weekly. They should be looking at the assignment grades to make sure that their grades are correct. (I do make mistakes!!) I will offer this opportunity again in the future, but I will not announce it ahead of time.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
A Visit to Downers Grove South
This week I made a visit to Downers Grove South to observe 9th grade math classes and talk with the math department. The purpose of this visit is to see how our former students are doing and what we can do to make the transition to high school math as smooth as possible. It was very useful to actually observe the different math classes available for freshmen. I also really enjoyed seeing all of the teachers using SMART boards to present their lessons! I am a little jealous of the students and wish I had been exposed to such great technology when I was in school. I don't feel that old, but we just had chalk and chalkboards in our math classes!! It was also fun to see some of my former students in their math classes. I think they were a little scared I was there to check up on them:)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Barbie Bungee
This week in Algebra students have been working on the Barbie Bungee project. The students conducted an experiment to determine how many rubberbands Barbie would need to safely bungee off the roof of the school. The students did a great job gathering data, making graphs and writing equations to give Barbie (and Ken) a safe, but thrilling jump! Most of the Barbies were able to walk away unscathed, a few however, definitely needed a medic! 
Thanks to Mr. Windsor for helping us bungee Barbie from the roof!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Homework Completion
Remember that all missing homework needs to be turned in before the test for that chapter. That means all homework for periods 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 needs to be turned in before the test Friday!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
This week in math we were working on simplifying algebraic expressions. Students found that the more they practiced this, the easier it became. Keep up the hard work.
The algebra classes started the chapter on linear functions. We spent most of the week talking about slope. Next week we will be applying that knowledge for equation writing.
On a sad note, unfortunately my homebase did not meet the goal of bringing in a magazine order each. Therefore, there will be no yummy breakfast:(
The algebra classes started the chapter on linear functions. We spent most of the week talking about slope. Next week we will be applying that knowledge for equation writing.
On a sad note, unfortunately my homebase did not meet the goal of bringing in a magazine order each. Therefore, there will be no yummy breakfast:(
Monday, September 29, 2008
The math classes has started the chapter on integers. Students are very sad to hear that they will not be allowed to use calculators during this chapter. I promised them that I would not make them multiply and divide large numbers.:) Students need to make sure to work neatly and not "lose" their negatives!!!!
Chocolate Chip Cookies are soooo good!!

Last week in Algebra we had our own little consumer study. Students sampled chocolate chip cookies to decide which they liked the best. They then had to compile their data and create graphs that would convince consumers that their cookie was the best. Students created graphs by hand and using a computer spreadsheet. Students found that computers can simplify working with data and creating graphs.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Magazine Drive
As you already know we kicked off the annual district magazine drive this week. We have set our school goal at 800 magazines. I am encourage each student in my homebase to bring in just one magazine subscription. If they ALL do so, I have promised them a special breakfast! YUMMY!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
How do I study for a math test?
This question has come up recently as students are thinking about their first math test. The absolute BEST way to study for a math test is to DO problems. Since students have to DO problems on the test, that is how they should prepare.
Where can they find practice problems?
1. Try the odds from sections they have had trouble with during the chapter. (The answers are in the back!)
2. Try the extra practice in the back of the book.
3. Go to and try a practice quiz or test.
4. Go to and play a game or use the animated math to reinforce what we are learning.
Students also need to make sure that they are getting feedback on the problems they do for practice. We don't want them to do all of their practice wrong. They need to do problems they can find the answers to easily.
And last but not least, remember I am available before school and during study hall for extra help with whatever is still not clear!
Where can they find practice problems?
1. Try the odds from sections they have had trouble with during the chapter. (The answers are in the back!)
2. Try the extra practice in the back of the book.
3. Go to and try a practice quiz or test.
4. Go to and play a game or use the animated math to reinforce what we are learning.
Students also need to make sure that they are getting feedback on the problems they do for practice. We don't want them to do all of their practice wrong. They need to do problems they can find the answers to easily.
And last but not least, remember I am available before school and during study hall for extra help with whatever is still not clear!
Anyone want to go to Chili's?
Today in Algebra we started our chapter on statistics and proportional reasoning. We started with an activity using percentages. Students had a menu for Chili's and had to simulate going to eat with friends and spliting the bill various ways. Even though it was only 8:00 am, all of the talk of bacon burgers made me hungry!
Friday, September 12, 2008
This week in Algebra we worked started the chapter on equations. We will take a test on it next week. Students have been doing a great job with homework so far this chapter! Keep up the good work!
In math we are finishing up Chapter 1. We will have our first chapter test on Friday next week.
I am looking forward to meeting parents next week at Open House!
In math we are finishing up Chapter 1. We will have our first chapter test on Friday next week.
I am looking forward to meeting parents next week at Open House!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Week 2 is already over!!
I can't believe we have already finished two weeks of school. It is great to see all of the students getting back into the swing of things with school. I am having a great time getting to know all of my students and really think this will be a great year!
In Algebra we have finished our review of the first two chapters. We are moving very quickly through the beginning of the book to get to the fun stuff. (Hopefully I am not the only one who thinks it is fun!) We will be moving quickly for chapter 3 and 4 as well, and then we will definitely hit the brakes.
In Math we have been reviewing order of operations, exponents, graphing and variables and expressions. I am getting used to the new textbook and so far really like it. Many students have been taking advantage of the online version to do their homework. They have found that having the book online definitely lightens their backpacks!
We are all looking forward to Irons Oaks next Thursday!
In Algebra we have finished our review of the first two chapters. We are moving very quickly through the beginning of the book to get to the fun stuff. (Hopefully I am not the only one who thinks it is fun!) We will be moving quickly for chapter 3 and 4 as well, and then we will definitely hit the brakes.
In Math we have been reviewing order of operations, exponents, graphing and variables and expressions. I am getting used to the new textbook and so far really like it. Many students have been taking advantage of the online version to do their homework. They have found that having the book online definitely lightens their backpacks!
We are all looking forward to Irons Oaks next Thursday!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Online Textbooks!
Our new text book for periods 2, 3, 4, 7 & 8 is available online! If you would like to access the book you will need to go to and create a user name. Our book is McDougal Littell Math Course 3. The activation code is 2432737-570. Just remember students will need to make sure that they have their homwork done even if their internet goes down at home.
Welcome Back!!
I hope you all had a great summer! I am very excited to be back for my eighth year at Lakeview. I am looking forward to a great year with my students this year.
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