Saturday, January 24, 2009

Don't they clean up well?

On Friday we had our annual 8th grade ballroom dance. All of the students dressed up for this event and I do have to say that it was nice to look out into a classroom of well dressed students. As always the students impressed a crowd of teachers and parents with their dancing skills.

Below is a picture of my homebase dressed up for the days. (Some of the girls were smart and wore comfortable shoes for the day so their feet would not hurt before the dance!)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Start of the 2009!

Welcome back! Hopefully everyone had a restful and pleasant winter break. I want to take a few minutes to remind everyone of a few ways to keep the rest of the school year going as well as the first half did.

*Make sure to keep up with homework. It is easy to get behind and hard to catch up!
*Stay healthy! It is hard to make up work when you have to miss school. If you do have to stay home sick, make sure to see your teachers as soon as you get back to get what you missed.
*Ask questions when you have them. Your teachers are available before school and during study hall to answer any question you have.

In Algebra we will be finishing Chapter 8 next week.

In Math we will be starting our study of Geometry next week.