Friday, March 20, 2009


As always the last week before Spring Break will be a busy one. Students in math will have quizzes Tuesday and Friday and students in Algebra will have a test of Chapter 10 on Wednesday.

In math students will continue their study of linear equations. We will spend next week focusing on slope and intercepts. It has been fun using the new mimio board to get the students involved in the lessons. I look forward to the rest of the year and using the new technology to engage students.

In Algebra we will review for the Chapter 10 test on Monday and Tuesday and spend Thursday and Friday studying inverse relations. We will begin using the mimio in class as well!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


This week in Algebra we will continue our study of quadratic functions. We will have a quiz on Thursday over everything through 10.4.

Math will continue with linear functions. We will have a quiz Thursday over 11.2-11.3.

Congrats to the Mr. Dodd and the 8th grade boy's basketball team on their victory Friday night!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

ISAT testing is over!

This week has been a long one for both the students and teachers. Students have done an outstanding job taking ISATs and deserve a relaxing weekend before starting a new trimester.

Monday starts the third and final trimester for the eighth graders. I am looking forward teaching the students in math during this time. It is a time where most of the math they are learning is new to them and it makes my job really fun!

In math we will be starting our study of linear functions. This is a huge stepping stone to Algebra 1. Success with this chapter will definitely get the students a step ahead in high school.

In Algebra we will be continuing our study of quadratic functions.

All of my classes will be using the new interactive whiteboard all next week in my classroom. (YEA!) I do not have one permanently, but one of the great features of this whiteboard is that it is portable.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


This week all students will be taking ISAT tests. It is important that students get a good night sleep and eat a good breakfast each morning. Math homework will be kept to a minimum. This would be a great time to reflect on the past two trimesters and set goals for the third and final trimester of the school year.