Boy, this was a short week for me!! Monday I started feeling sick and I spent Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in bed. I made it back to school on Friday, with A LOT of work to catch up on. I was lucky enough to have Mrs. Guinand, Lakeview's former math teacher, as my sub, so I knew math was being taught in my absence!! I have caught up on entering grades except for the quiz that was taken on Friday.
Many students have missing homework assignments, while most are only worth 3 points, they add up quickly. Remember that as long as they are turned in before the chapter test, points will be given!! Those zeros don't have to stay zeros, so check your grades and turn in your late work!!! A lot of times students just skip a few problems, but they don't get completion points unless the assingment is complete!
In math next week we will finish up the chapter on geometry in measurement. Hopefully we will get through the Pythagorean Theorem and Linear Functions before ISATS. I big task, but I think we can do it.
In algebra we are working on Exponential Functions. This is one of my favorite topics in algebra. We will be finishing this chapter next week with a PROJECT!!!
Have a great and HEALTHY weekend. Hopefully I will fully recover by Monday.